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Useful Information

The provided platform interface is written by using the Next.js framework - which uses the React framework and provides the server-side-rendering (SSR) functionality.

It is powered by the osmosis-outpost-ui component library whose components are realized as pure web components, and it is also built to work with react and vue.

Such platform makes use of the cosmos-kit library in its logic, the osmojs library to interact with the blockchains, and the chakra-ui library for the ui.

The configuration list of the swappable tokens for each outpost platform is gathered by the osmosis-outposts-assetlists repository, where you should do a Pull Request to add your configuration.

To improve the data fetching operations of the platform, it uses the TanStack Query library, enabling caching.

According to the transactions, since the platform needs to track IBC txs above multiple blockchains, it uses the cosmos-txs-tracer library, which, thanks to websocket connections, allows to track txs without the need to perform polling.