The guides on this page will explain the process of integrating with Osmosis.
📄️ Introduction
The guides on this page will explain the process of integrating with Osmosis.
📄️ Airdrop Distribution
📄️ Concentraed Liquidity Integration
Concentrated liquidity is a novel Automated Market Maker (AMM) design introduced by Uniswap that allows for more efficient use of capital. The improvement is achieved by providing liquidity in specific price ranges chosen by the user.
📄️ Connect with Osmosis
Osmosis is a automated market maker blockchain. This means any IBC-enabled zone can add its token as an asset to be traded on Osmosis AMM completely permissionlessly. Because Osmosis is fundamentally designed as an IBC-native AMM that trades IBC tokens, rather than tokens issued on the Osmosis zone, there are additional nuances to understand and steps to be taken in order to ensure your asset is supported by Osmosis.
📄️ Register your Asset
Assets need to be registered in several locations in order to be displayed correctly on interfaces. Without registration, assets will show as a long list of characters.
📄️ Pool Setup Guide
📄️ Source Initial Liquidity
When integrating a new asset, Osmosis Zone recommends at least USD $1000-worth of liquidity in a pool before it is listed onto There are a few ways to go about setting up the minimum liquidity requirement.
📄️ Liquidity Incentives
Liquidity Providers on Osmosis receive swap fees by default, but can receive additional liquidity incentives from many sources.
📄️ Ensure Visibility
List onto the Osmosis Frontend
📄️ Interact with CLI
Using the CLI
📄️ Interact with gRPC Server
A gRPC endpoint is availble on the public Osmosis nodes so that you can start playing and intreacting with it right away.
📄️ APR Calculation
📄️ Interact with REST
All gRPC services on the Cosmos SDK and Osmosis are made available for more convenient REST-based queries through gRPC-gateway. The format of the URL path is based on the Protobuf service method's full-qualified name, but may contain small customizations so that final URLs look more idiomatic. For example, the REST endpoint for the method is GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/. Request arguments are passed as query parameters.
📄️ Interact with RPC endpoints
As shown on the RPC specifications, there are different endpoints to communicate with the Osmosis chain. Unlike the LCD rest api, the RPC endpoints provide genereic endpoints to communicate with the various modules available. For example the ABCI Query allows you the query different data from Osmosis.
🗃️ External Projects
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